莺歌燕舞 Yīng gē yàn wǔ
(The oriole sings, the swallow dances)

Documentary, 64 mn. 

Original language : chinese. Sub-titles : English.
Screenplay, shooting (co-cameraman : Wang Ke), editiong & direction.
K&K Production (China).

In  China, every day before going to work or after dinner, people go to parks, public places or simply in the a sidewalk, and play sports, music, sing, dance, walk, see and listen to the birds singing ... In the weekend, they are even more numerous.
Who are these people and why they choose this lifestyle ?

First public screening :
2014, september 7 in London's  Portobello Film Festival



The documentary was filmed in the capital Beijing, in a city of average size, the ancient capital Xian, in small southern towns in the deep south, the Yunnan, especially Jianshui and Hekou, at the border with Vietnam, and finally in two villages in the mountains of this province.


Backstage Pictures

Documentary's Pictures
